We are currently doing an International search for the role of Butter.
If you are interested in submitting your audition, please follow the following steps.

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BUTTER:  16-year-old male, 250-425 pounds.  A young Josh Gad or Jonah Hill. Butter is a lonely obese high school junior, constantly made fun of and totally sick of his life. He is smart, charming and truly funny, but most often finds himself alone at school and at home. His emotions are hidden behind his eating. He plays a mean saxophone. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER OR EMANCIPATED MINOR

1. Download sides

2. Self tape
We are asking everyone to self-tape. If you do not know how to self-tape,
you will find some tutorials here. Once you have taped your Audition, please
post it on a Video Website a la youtube or Vimeo or WeTransfer.

3. Submit audition
This will take you to a form to submit.